Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Summer Serendipity


Writing this on a warm(ish) day, I’ve come to the conclusion that, for me, Summer and Serendipity are synonymous. Serendipity is a mysterious, charming word that means making desirable discoveries by accident; good fortune; luck. Wouldn’t you agree there’s a bit of magic that happens between the months of wintry cold temperatures and days of climbing under a blanket waiting for the apple blossoms to arrive? It’s as if suddenly, the sun shines through, hibernal malaise can flung away and warmer weather and longer days can be greeted with a hug and a smile. Throw open the windows! Let in the soft billowy breezes! There’s a certain anticipatory joy when, surprise (!), the floor is warmer under bare feet!

I could easily live in endless, sun-baked, sensational Summer somewhere, but then, without the gripping, raw freeze of winter, I may not experience this same Serendipity. After all, how does one understand happy without sad, pleasure without pain, warmth without cold? Magic. All of a sudden, after pulling a cardigan just a bit tighter layered over endless amounts of clothing for months, the mornings get lighter sooner, the birds chirp louder again, sunlight pours brightly onto the kitchen counter, radishes/snap peas/leeks can be planted (oh my!), the ground turned. And if you listen very carefully, you’ll hear the faint, singsong jingles of the overeager ice cream truck echoing down the street luring old and young 
alike to its sweet treats.

And then there’s the promise of daffodils, lilacs, hydrangeas, roses; the yearning for farm-picked strawberries, juicy Jersey tomatoes, sweet corn on the cob and mouthwatering watermelon. Or the moment the grill cover is tossed from its protective state, exposing the barbecue waiting for the perfect burger or sizzling steak. Tell me this isn’t Serendipity. There are so many moments to love in Summer; so many 
warm nights to feel alive.

One beauty of Summer is you don’t have to leave your back yard to feel its magic. You can kick off your shoes, feel the grass between your toes, sip a thirst quenching drink and bask in a sultry, lazy picnic dinner on the patio. Another is the beach: the radiant sunlight, endless and timeless crashing waves, lunch under an umbrella (be careful not to get a sandy sandwich) swimming in the salty sea. Do you like to ride a bike? Doze in a hammock? Catch lightening bugs with your grandchildren? Listen for the sound of the cicadas and singing peeper frogs? The magic of Summer: little gifts 
we receive unexpectedly.

Perhaps it’s the sunny weather that encourages a brighter, more optimistic outlook during the Summer months. Perhaps it’s because we get out more in the fresh air, spending time with nature and family. Perhaps we feel freer to travel home and abroad, discovering things outside our living spaces that allow for adventure. Yes! I’ve come to the conclusion that I love everything about the Serendipity of Summer!

Welcome back Summer! I’ve missed you!

Carpe Diem!

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