Friday, May 15, 2020

Life Lessons


Now that I’m going to turn 60 (!!gasp!! how did I get here? It’s just a number, right?) I thought I’d share a few safeguards that have steered my course. And yet, there are still plenty of things I want to do. I’ve just got to get my skates on now and do them…


1)      We only dance on this earth a short time; make it matter to the last note.

2)      The open doors are not behind you, they are in front of you. Choose to open them and choose carefully.

3)      Say  ”I’m sorry” anytime you think you’ve done wrong; don’t wait for it to be pointed out to you.

4)      Small things, done consistently, add up to big things in the long run.

5)      No shock lasts longer than 48 hours ~ there’s too much appetite for the next shock.

6)      Love is not a word of four letters following one another, it’s a verb; it is unconditional, it requires attention and needs consistent practice.

7)      Oh! What a difference a day a day makes; only 24 little hours can change your life.

8)      Remember the Sabbath Day. God gives us 6 days to work and play and only one day for Himself. If you honor Him, He will honor you.

9)      Be Flexible. Change is OK. Life=Change. Change=Knowledge. Knowledge=Life.

10)   Stop sizing yourself up against the Perfect Person. There isn’t one.

11)   “Leave the gun; take the cannoli” ~The Godfather

12)   Always kiss your spouse Good Night; what better way to end your day?

13)   “Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you.” ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

14)   Be Patient in Adversity and Thankful in Prosperity ~Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 10.

15)   Never underestimate the power of a long, strong hug.

16)   Life is too short to be judgmental ~ “There but for the grace of God go I” ~John Bradford

17)   You are not always right. Yup. You read that right. In fact, let me repeat it: You’re. Not. Always. Right. The sooner you grasp that concept the better you’ll be. Other perspectives are refreshing.

18)   Things happen. Learn to let the things you cannot control go.

19)   Listen. Really Listen. Stop. Put your phone down. Open your ears. Use eye contact. “God gave us two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we talk” ~ Epictetus

20)   Give Respect. Get Respect. You don’t beat respect into people, you earn it.

21)   Take a moment each day to dwell on the bounty and gracious gifts you’ve been given.

22)   Always greet your family with a kiss and never let them leave without saying “I Love You”; it may be the last time you see each other.

23)   Pick your fights. Not everything is worth fighting over. Which leads me to…

24)   Silently, exercise forgiveness of those who hurt you; for your own liberating health and well-being.

25)   If you want to learn humility, fear, patience, concern, sacrifice, worry, happiness, joy, laughter and fullness of heart all rolled in one, have a child.

26)   “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.” ~George Carlin

27)   Be courteous. Leave hostile in the gutter where it belongs….so it doesn’t become us.

28)   Every day is a new day (Tabula Rasa). Turn the page: yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t come. Use it wisely. New beginnings. New opportunities.

29)   Think Twice before you act (speak) in anger.

30)   If you have your Health and the Love of your Family, you are rich beyond measure; everything else in Life is a bonus.

31)   Don’t cut what you can untie.

32)   Don’t settle for the hamburger when you’ve been having filet mignon all your life.

33)   Pray without Ceasing. Life can literally bring you to your knees and often than not, that’s where we belong.

34)   Hold the door for a stranger; we all have a story.

35)   Pick up after yourself. One thrown gum wrapper can add up to a whole community of waste blowing in the wind.

36)   “To thine own self be true” ~Hamlet/Shakespeare; each of us is unique.

37)   Silence often speaks louder than words.

38)   Take your pillow with you wherever you go, it can be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a long, yawning day.

39)   Keep moving; it will keep you from a muddled state of mind.

40)   Don’t be afraid to say “No”. Never, ever compromise your beliefs or standards ~Watch the movie ”Hacksaw Ridge” for inspiration.

41)   Keep Smiling; it is a contagious gift you can give away for free; it’s catchy synergy.

42)   If you want rainbows, you’ll have to endure the torrential downpour of rain.

43)   Children are brutally honest, sometimes downright ruthless. The lesson? Don’t sugarcoat Life. Learn tactful kindness.

44)   Keep it Simple, Silly (KISS). Life is too complicated; see the humor in the mundane.

45)   Inspire a Mind; sometimes creativity trumps the rules.

46)   When all else fails take a long, hot soak in a tub full of bubbles and lock the door.

47)   Life is a Journey not a Destination; sometimes a detour on the wrong path reminds us to better ourselves and gives occasion to find the right path.

48)   Develop a Gratitude Attitude

49)   Character is who you are when no one is watching; you can’t hide from the reflecting mirror.

50)   The days are long but the years are short; if you don’t think this is true, ask anyone over 60.

51)   There are no failures that can’t be turned into a lesson, a strengthening of character.

52)   Sometimes doing Nothing is More; getting lost in moments can give a small measure of Peace.

53)   Making your bed Every. Single. Day. It is a Life Changer; this legendary skill creates a positive peace of mind.

54)   Basking in the free aromatherapy of a garden is a stress cure and inspires healthy habits.

55)   Savor dinner time: create a dish, uncork the wine, grab a linen napkin, play some tunes in the background and enjoy the best part of the day.

56)   Keep On Traveling!

57)   “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” ~Dr. Seuss


58)   A good, hearty laugh that causes your belly to hurt is the best form of exercise.

59)   I’ll Aways want to be Eddie’s Girl.

60)   Seize opportunity EVERY DAY. Carpe every Diem!

Seize the time you have together with your loved ones.

 “Time and Tide wait for no man.” ~Geoffrey Chaucer