Mirror, mirror on the the wall…When is the last time you looked in the mirror? This morning while getting ready for the day? A glimpse when passing through to another room? While quickly brushing your teeth? And what did you see? Of course, I’m not just asking about a precursory glance at your vanity (fine lines, under eye circles, dark spots); because often we detect only our flaws in the looking glass. Instead, I’m asking you to interpret your inner self; the real person, the real image. What did you see? Did you recognize the likeness of yourself?
We all know that inside each of us lives a small voice that
tells you who you really are. You can fool everyone around you, you can dress,
look and talk the part, but you can never fool that nagging knocking inside your
heart that exposes you. Can you look that mirror image straight in the eyes? Go
ahead. Gaze at your visage. Lean in. Closer. Contemplate yourself for a moment.
Is this the person others see? Were you
faced with a trustworthy, honest, hard-working person? Or a cheating, lying
fraud? It’s best to be honest with the (wo)man in the mirror so you can really
reflect on the reflection. Do you pass the mirror test? Are there things you
want to change? After all, the portrait looking back at you is a representation
of your character.
Sometimes, to get the real perspective on an image, we need
to change the way we look at things. You know that the mirror on the side of
your car reading “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear” is a
safety warning that things are not always as they seem: perceptions. That is
why I ask: Are you showing the world an imaginary misrepresentation or a
genuine, authentic, bona fide depiction? Is your mirror distorting and
magnifying or a clear concise witness of who you are?
Next time you come face to face with the mirror, don’t look
for visual perfection, but learn to love the vision you are gazing at and be
true to yourself and others. This will help you rise to all kinds of
challenges; without altering your true self.
And of course…..Carpe Diem!