Monday, August 15, 2011

Seizing the Moment

I started this blog to encourage all who will read and listen that we must take back our time. We give far too much of it to "things" that do not deserve our attention. As a result, we deprive ourselves and those who are most important to us of time well-spent.
Carpe diem, a Latin term that is loosely translated by most to mean "Seize the Day" is really a shortened version of "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero" or "Pluck the day, trusting as little as possible to the future." The word "Carpe" literally translates to "pluck" - like fruit - or in other words, get to the business of life while it is still ripe.
There are many ways to seize time. We can either take hold of it by force; aggressively and with passion. Or it may be a silent, mental grasping that dawns on us suddenly; an "aha" moment when we understand something clearly and completely.
I encourage you to take time each day for yourself. Seize moments here and there. Not selfishly, like a child, jealous of another's toy, but with an open mind and open arms. Allowing opportunities to happen.
The Psalmist says it in another way, "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118 vs 24). If we were to view the beginning of our day that way, with gratitude, there is never a "wrong" side to the bed. Try it tomorrow. Say that little verse to yourself when you awaken and see if you don't think differently as you rise.
Yes. Seize Time. Seize Moments. And in doing so, Seize Life.


  1. We need a 'Like' button on this blog :) Thanks for the encouraging words to start the work-week!

  2. Shadow, refreshing to see someone is paying attention to the heart rate of life. I feel like i'm an ingredient in a blender. Thanks for the pause.
