Friday, November 4, 2011

Nothing is More

It's that time of year again.
Holiday Time. And the Count Down begins.
Wow. When it's put that way, you can feel the stress.
In fact, it can make you feel as if you are rushing through Life
only to watch it pass you by.
So I'm here to remind you to seize some time for yourself.
Each day.

Slow Down.
Take a Time Out.
For a few minutes each day, Doing Nothing is More.
Take 10 minutes and do something that quiets you.

Sit on the deck. Listen to the birds. Let the sun shine in your eyes.
Read something spiritual and meditate on it.
How does it apply to you?
Listen to music. Can you identify the instruments?
How does it make you feel?
Cook up some soup. Chop. Dice. Mince.
Smell the aroma. Yummmmmm
Laugh with a child. There are few things more precious and innocent.
Take a steamy bubble bath. Light a candle. Lock the door.
Eat dinner together with your family.
Use linen napkins to make it special.
Linger after dinner and really listen to your child's ideas.
It adds a new perspective to your Life.
Take a nap. Feel how it rejuvenates you.
Go for a walk. Cleanse your mind.

I'll admit, no one wants to be the first to slow down.
It sounds Lazy. Unmotivated.
But how does moving faster and faster make you feel? Accomplished? Exhausted?
If the answer is the latter, you need to reevaluate your time.
Take a look at that list of suggestions again.
I'm sure you can see the value in each one.
Slowing down takes some conscious effort.
You can start by surrounding yourself with people who enjoy
reading a good book.
Or better yet, swap one with them.

~ Get lost in the moment.
And in return, get a small measure of peace. ~

~ Please feel free to go to
to leave your comments ~


  1. We live a world that tells us that we are demanded to fill every moment of our day or else we are useless. Once we learn to get past that myth we will no longer feel disconnected or in some way embarrassed when we are doing absolutely nothing....the real beauty of enjoying the quiet moments is that the small, still voice of God, heard in the cave with Elijah, is recognized and enjoyed. We actually hear God through everything that we are experiencing around us. And, probably learn something we would not have if we weren't listening for the nothingness! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. You hit a cord we all lost in the shuffle, but finding it would benefit our woos
