Monday, April 27, 2020

List Makers


For most of my life I have been in fast mode. Often, I need to be reminded to slow down as those around me cannot keep up with the pace; from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning, it’s off and running. Most days, before 8:00 AM I have put together breakfast, packed lunches, planned dinner, scrolled through and returned a few emails, played a game or two of Words, scrolled through other social media, stepped on the tread mill for a quick run, showered, thrown in a load of laundry, put out the garbage, made the bed and put away the dishes from the night before. And all during this Energizer Bunny routine, my darling husband sits relaxed with his morning tea with a “stare-y eyed” look on his face.

Now I know this may sound crazy, but I actually love doing no less than 5 things at once; and pride myself at being able to do them with perfection. Single-tasking is torture for me. I find it difficult to just sit in a chair and gaze into space. Even on vacation I feel the need to get up at the crack of dawn and see as much as possible within driving distance. While some love the idea of rocking in a hammock or lounging in a chair, eyes closed, I dream of what books I can read off my to-be-read list.
Because this feverish pace suits me, I am a perpetual List Maker. I have lists for Everything. I make a list for the groceries, what items I need to finish my taxes, what bills to pay and when, who I need to call. My Christmas list starts as soon as Christmas is over. And believe me, this is only a small list of the lists. Some may think this compulsive; 
I like to think of it as methodical.

Or, systematic. Most people who know me think I am very organized; I’m the one people call when they need something done ASAP and efficiently. I’m the family reunion organizer, the party planner, the behind-the-scenes form processor; usually under duress and under an impossible time frame. And  I’ll admit, my dedication to lists sometimes has me jumping up in the middle of a conversation to check on a status; however, it is because I write these lists that I am able to uber-speedy my way through most anything thrown at me. It’s comforting to know I can always go to a list and work out the answer. In fact, when I don’t assign a task to a list, I sometimes wake up in the dark of the night wide-eyed, with a gnawing, incessant ticker tape of unfinished tasks running through my head.
We are all good at something. I may not have the talent to bake anything other than an upside-down, half-baked, lopsided cake, or have the coordination to Zumba my way around the gym but give me the challenge of preparing a project and I’m off and running. Disclaimer: Truth be told, ~shhhhhhhhhhh~  I really write lists because I fear I will forget something; when I start forgetting where I put my lists or have to make a list to find a list, I will know that it has gotten out of hand.
Until then…..Carpe Diem!

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