Thursday, April 15, 2021


As I write this in early March, it is a balmy 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the wind is spitefully brisk and biting and the need to go outside requires bundling up. Yet, although cold, the air is clear and crisp, the sun bright and the sky blue-blue. Slowly, the period of extended light has been increasing microscopically every day since winter solstice (as Eddie likes to remind me starting December 21) and now it is noticeably brighter at 6:30 PM!

I know, I know. This is nothing new and it happens every year, but the slow, small, subtle signs of impending Spring is a joy to me. Spring is almost here! Even before it has arrived, I can imagine the sweet smell of buds bursting open on the magnolia tree in the brilliance of more light; I can hear the joyous cadence of chickadees and robins calling one another to explore the new warmth; I can feel the vibrations of anticipation that adds bounce in our steps; I can see new beauty popping out all around waking up from the long, frozen, crusty winter. Blades of green grass shooting up! Iris’ peeping out of the dirt! Leaves slowly unfurling on the trees! The scent of splashing raindrops washing all things new! Spring is the season of renewal; new life; new beginnings. Who does not love Spring? Spring begs you to throw open your windows and draw up the blinds so the wonderful revival of weather can come indoors. The aromas, sensations, sights and sounds of Spring! If I had created the calendar, March would be the first month; the month that begins the year.

This reoccurring, exciting, anticipated phenomenon, Spring, comes every year regardless of what is happening in the world. Just when you think you have had more than your share of cold, bleak winter, Spring comes around the corner and embraces us with refreshing, reinvigorating revitalization. Sometimes it is earlier, sometimes later or sometimes Spring teases us with a day here and another there, but reassuringly, it always comes. It is this sense of expectancy that keeps us going during drowsy, frosty, chilly days; the ice will melt (!!) and the earth will thaw. Just as the word itself indicates, Spring will spring!

The good book says there is a season for everything, a time for every purpose under heaven. Spring is the season for healing, laughing, planting and building up each other. Dance a little, search a little, mend, embrace and love one another.

So, for the next few weeks I’m going to consciously pay attention to: warm rays of the sunshine on my face; the sound of crashing ocean waves throwing salty mist; gentle, shifting breezes with the fragrant smell of new buds sprouting; rustling leaves filling out the trees; chirping birds building nests for their young.

Breathe deep, my friends. Do not doubt the remarkable continuance of the seasons. Spring is near. Carpe Diem!

~ “Spring adds new Life and new Beauty to all that is” – Jessica Harrelson

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