Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Perfect Paper Hearts

Happy Hearts Day!
Remember back in elementary school how special
Valentine's Day was?
Everyone getting involved.
A few days before, alot of time was spent sorting through
boxes of punch-out perforated valentines
or cutting the perfect paper heart;
making sure the right valentine with the right saying
went to go the right recipient;
then carefully printing or cursive writing the person's name
and stuffing them in the envelopes that had seals that didn't stick.
Then when the Big Day arrived, we had to wait ever so patiently for the hour when we could deliver our "labor of love".
Ahhhhhhhh....Childhood infatuations.

Now I have a lifetime beau
 and my love for him is beyond words.
We're a pair.
 We're better together.
 Like milk and cookies.
Like peaches and cream.
Like Abbott and Costello.
Like herring and crackers (OK...I had to add that. It's Eddie's favorite)
Like Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Like Sock and Shoes.
Well......you get it.
One is no good without the other.

And although he is silly enough for the two of us,
I wouldn't trade him for anything.
He is my Best Friend and
together we can do anything.

He will always
"Be Mine".
Today and Forever.

Yes, we grow up and our affections become exclusive.
But hopefully, it is with the same fervor
we had back in grammar school;
the desire to let someone know your devotion.
Go ahead.
Take the risk and be silly today.
Let someone know how much you love them.
Better yet.
Send a few paper hearts.

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to leave your comments ~

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