Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Katydid!

 My baby is a Quarter of a Century old today.
She was born on her Grandmother's birthday and so I must admit she's always been a bit spoiled...

Always impish and seldom shy, she tried her hand at athletics early.
And we all know where that took her....1000 point High School shooter in Basketball.

Now you know she had to push and shove her way around the court to reach that goal, but don't let that fool you...
she can put on the charm when she wants to.

Hasn't she got a Beautiful Smile?

She's also musical (cello, violin & piano) and has always loved singing...
especially in the bathroom (Star Spangled Banner, anyone?) 

She's also adventurous; 
Traveling to Mexico and Europe on her own.
And open to trying.....well, just about anything.
Are you really mopeding  in a dress?

But we cannot leave out the sassy side.
(To few time outs, I guess. Did I mention spoiled?)

Confidence? Oh Yea. She's got it. 
Don't even think about arguing with her if she's convinced she's right.
She is the Debate Team and you're gonna lose.

Fortunately, we can still get a few snuggles out of her. 
And I still enjoy lounging on my bed with her.....
even if she hogs all the covers. 
And the pillows. 
And stretches to fill all the space.

She is also competitive. 
In Scrabble, Puzzles, Monopoly and....... the list goes on;
in just about everything now that I think of it.
And she beats me every time.

Oh! Did I mention sassy?
Hmmm. A little soap might be appropriate here.

Don't let that stern game face fool you.
She's downright silly at times! And doesn't care who see it!

It hasn't always been easy being the youngest.
Older brothers can be rough.
But that's what has made her tough.

But there's also a softer side of her; contemplative.
She's comfortable spending time alone.

What a wonderful young woman she's become!

Now I could go on and on about how considerate, kind and loving this beautiful daughter of mine is.
But to avoid her any more embarrassment, I'll just let you know that I will always be proud that she is my little girl.

Happy Birthday Katydid. 
I love you.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks mom! I love you too. I did just cry a little at work. haha
