Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Russell

Tomorrow, December 11 is my little brother's birthday.

Although I'm not willing to tell you how much younger he is than me, let it suffice to say, most people think we're twins ;)
When he was born, my first reaction to this familial change was, "What? Are you kidding me? Another brother?"
But since then, he's proved himself to be an integral part of our family.

Most of you know that he is a very busy guy.
Studying, Studying, Studying.

Fortunately, he's found a wife that can keep up with his schedule...

And he obviously knows that all work and no play makes
Jack Russell a dull boy.

He has a wonderful sense of humor; quick to laugh,
but never at any one's expense.
He is kind, thoughtful and
(although he may not want me to share this)
has a sensitive side. 

On the serious side, he takes his position as pastor
with the respect and earnestness it deserves.
I'm proud to say he married my daughter.

Although as the older, more mature, intelligent
(I could add beautiful but might be pushing it)
aged-to-perfection sister,
I must admit there are some things he just does
better and knows more about.
For instance, whenever I have a computer dilemma
(and I'm sad to say the questions are usually rather dumb ones)
he's always there to point me in the right direction.
OK. I'll admit it.

I'll admit I never pictured him as a Dad.
But along with everything else he does, he parents with patience and warmth.

All around, he's a terrific
Father, Uncle, Pastor, Husband, Son & Friend.
But to be honest with you, to me, he'll always be
My Little Brother.

Happy Birthday Russell

1 comment :

  1. Of course, the whole "he loves to laugh but not at anyone's expense" precludes me from a whole host of potential comments...well played, big sister, well played..... :P

    Seriously - thanks for a GREAT birthday present!!! Love ya' lots!! :)
